Schedules and costs

Friday 3, Saturday 4, Sunday 5 june 2022: 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Registration opens every morning at 8:00 a.m.
The seminars are open to all regardless of experience level and the federation or organization.
Reservations required. There will be a service meals for lunch and dinner in the Convention for the three days of the seminars with low prices on practice sites
The entry fee of the seminars:
80 € three days
70 € two days
60 € a single day
30 € for children under 14 years old

Registration in the morning directly to the stage (the entries are open saturday, sunday and monday from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.).
Booking and paying before 21 may 2022, you will be entitled to a discount on the cost of the course: 65 € for three days (instead of 80 €), 55 € for two (instead of 70 €) and 50 € for one (instead of 60 €).
The communications reservations may be sent by mail to or (specifying the main basic martial art necessary for the final accounting, but that leaves us free to enjoy all the arts) or by registering on this page.

The registration fee should be made out to:

“Società sportiva arti marziali Taki no Kan”
Unicredit Banca
Agenzia Verona Saval (02306)
Bic Swift UNCRITM1P06
IBAN IT 89 K 02008 11728 000100648394

Important notice for all participants from non-EU countries:
Those wishing to take advantage of the booking promotion with discount on the participation fee by 21 May, if coming from non-EU countries should be aware that any bank commission costs for transfers between EU and non-EU banks must be fully borne by the person making the transfer. In order to reduce the impact of these fixed costs, which vary from country to country, we therefore recommend making collective transfers per dojo.